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We know that decision makers in organisations don’t want to miss out on the important insights they need to move forward. We engage the people that matter in crowdsourcing online dialogues to discover their winning ideas.

Traditional methods never seem to capture the range of emotions, frustrations thoughts and opinions of people. And if they do, they are time consuming, slow, and often only represent a small part of the target population.

Using our bottom-up online, anonymous discussion platform, Synthetron harvests the opinions and ideas of the group and helps you understand the implications for your organisation.

Wisdom of the Crowd

We believe in these underpinning ideas

  • Smart generative listening goes far deeper than just measuring people through surveys. We focus the dialogue on what matters most with tried and tested triggering questions. We have a passion for engaging people in order to connect ideas and tap into the collective wisdom.
  • Authentic conversations avoid groupthink and motivate participants to share ideas anonymously. They focus on what is said not who said them so the integrity of ideas is uncontaminated by politics and peer pressure
  • The wisdom of the crowd has the capacity to generate, evaluate and filter out the most important ideas – facilitated by our evolutionary crowdsourcing system
  • We love to discover actionable meaning from the data by rigorously analysing what people talk about, how they express themselves and where there is energy or resistance. Our report includes a “So what?” table and communication guidelines to trigger or accelerate change.

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