How KLM’s employees helped the company to become more future-proof
This year, KLM has been working hard on a formulating the future mission and vision to continuously be successful in the future in a rapidly changing environment. KLM asked our partner organisation, SYSTEMIQ, to support it in formulating the core values of the future. To gain insight into KLM’s current unique values and the core values that will be important in the future, SYSTEMIQ invited us to organise a Synthetron-Hackathon on core values with employees of all divisions..
214 Employees participated across all divisions and shared more than 1,800 ideas and opinions with each other in one hour. This process resulted in a reformulation of the core values in line with KLM’s mission and vision and with the buy-in of employees.
How KLM’s employees helped the company to become more future-proof
This year, KLM has been working hard on a formulating the future mission and vision to continuously be successful in the future in a rapidly changing environment. KLM asked our partner organisation, SYSTEMIQ, to support it in formulating the core values of the future. To gain insight into KLM’s current unique values and the core values that will be important in the future, SYSTEMIQ invited us to organise a Synthetron-Hackathon on core values with employees of all divisions..
214 Employees participated across all divisions and shared more than 1,800 ideas and opinions with each other in one hour. This process resulted in a reformulation of the core values in line with KLM’s mission and vision and with the buy-in of employees.