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THINK TANK RESULTS (June 12, 2019)

Two earlier think tanks confirmed the need to break the circle of silence and identified the enablers of a ‘speak-up’ culture. In our June think tank, we focused on how to contain the elements (fear, blame, gossip and defensiveness) that kill a ‘speak-up’ culture?

So what did we find out?

Participants identified not only the triggers that stifle a ‘speak-up’ culture
but also the way forward to an open culture.

The main triggers that kill openness are: experiencing aggressiveness, ego & power and lack of respect.

The way forward has four enablers:

  • Values of openness, inclusive listening supported by a code of conduct are prerequisites;
  • Living these values (walk the talk) and having ‘people’ key performance indicators is even more important. Responsibility lies with both employees and management.
  • Attitudes of learning: learn from mistakes and learn to ask feedback;
  • Rewards and praise to reinforce the values.

Interestingly, only 14% hardly ever observed a situation where fear, blame or gossip killed a person’s ability/inclination to speak up while 28% observed or experience this often to very often. Clearly, there is still much room for improvement.

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